Congress the new mafia?

Criminal mischief: or ricco violations?   So, it turns out that the political incubator that nurtured “the office of the president elect“  has sired yet another ‘Frankensteinian’ political ‘soup-sandwich”. As they say “power begets power” and I’ll extrapolate; “power corrupts” and “corruption begets corruption“. The irresistible snare of the weak-willed:… Continue reading

Bailouts, Chaos and Extortion

In 2002 congress was influenced – okay, pressured, by ACORN  and other liberal ‘community organizations’ to  issue new Affirmative Action lending Quotas – to increase ‘minority’ homeownership by 5.5 million by 2010. Contrary to traditional lending standards, or any sort of best management practice, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae allowed… Continue reading

Awake at Night?

The financial meltdown, government seizing Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae and using tax payer monies to bail out companies “too big to fail”, the possibility of ‘spreading the wealth” by merging my AND YOUR 401K plans with the already insolvent Social Security, the Corinthianization of our culture,  and many others… Continue reading

Captives in an O’Babylon!

Exiled in our own country, we are like captive tribes in an ‘po-mo‘ O’-Babylon, where the duped masses are now being wooed by counterfeit claims of:  Liberté, Equalité, Fraternité.   Instead of real Liberty: we are tendered socialism where our efforts are enslaved and dissent is shouted down; instead of… Continue reading