Nudging further

Shifting all of society further and further away from our individual responsibilities and self sufficiency toward a system based on arbitrary and capricious subjective whims.  Doled about like ‘party favors’ at an EDM concert, where your possibilities, your very future is being decided by the color of your skin rather… Continue reading

We’re Doomed

We are doomed as a nation if this jackassery prevails. It seems as if  the subsequent generations are completed and utterly unconcerned with their own survival and the continuation country. All of those Marxists in the education system from our junior high schools to our universities have been successful preaching… Continue reading

Who’s To Blame

Watching the scenes of destruction from the Haitian earthquake has left me, like everyone else, deeply saddened at the loss of life and intense suffering of an already destitute Haitian population.  I’m sure you would be hard pressed to find a poorer country than Haiti. The outpouring of aid from around… Continue reading


I awoke this morning to the earth-shattering news that our Dear Leader, President Barack Hussein Obama, had just been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.   All I can say is:  HUH? I thought about his accomplishments for world peace and came up with exactly zero.  Nada, zip, zilch, fly speck,… Continue reading