Without so much as a denial, let alone a denunciation, in an Orwellian sidestep worthy of 1984, Barack Hussein Obama deflected the claim that he was a Socialist to actually assert that John McCain /Sara Palin wanted to make a virtue out of selfishness! – vid below –
Continuing reinforcement of what we already know: captions and sound tracks aside, the video/audio of Barrack Hussein Obama talking about the failure of capitalism is stunning. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fxz3UgwCR0
I know this is old news; but, I’ve been thinking about this for the last few days. Now the real news is not that Barack Hussein Obama is a socialist – the real news is “that no one cares! No one -outside payer vote, the conservative blogosphere, pornographic radio and a few at Fox News.
Well lets speak plainly – Socialist advocate for state or collective OWNERSHIP of you! Ownership of what you make, what you do, and what you think!
This means you don’t own you – instead you are a slave. A slave to the collective! A slave to the hive! A slave to the shiftless -a slave to the “why can’t I live without work crowd”! A slave to a looting state where capitalism is destroyed, poverty ‘trickles up’ and all that is left is a brutal existence where ‘everybody plunders everybody’. At last, we finally have a fair ‘society’ where the equivalence of financial gang rape is viewed as selflessness.