Healthcare, Tyranny and the Death of America.

As shouted from the soapbox, roof top, and even the congressional mall, Obamacare (ACA – Affordable Care Act) has never been about care or even making care affordable. Instead, it has always been about CONTROL! Now that Obamacare is “settled law”; and assuming that SCOTUS has indeed heard Jonathon Gruber’s… Continue reading

Company you Keep – Valerie Jarrett

Wow, back in day our parents used to say; “you will be judged by the company you keep!” While ruminating marinating on the feeling of treachery, I started thinking about members circling in the lavatory of our current executive branch administration! And, how many; either through their own statements or… Continue reading

Fabric of our Lives

Kind of riffing on my post “Any Different” from the other day; was startled to consider that the president thinks this is true: Here in America, Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding. While I was struggling to remember how Islam was woven into… Continue reading