Somebody’s Watching Me

Like Joseph Heller said in Catch-22; “Just because your paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t after you!” I mean really! News breaks that the IRS is targeting ‘Conservative’ groups applying for tax-exempt status with extra inquiry – including additional (burdensome) questionnaires,  (improper nee illegal)requests for donor lists and even possible denial… Continue reading

“God Bless You!”

Last week President Barack Hussein Obama spoke to Planned Parenthood.  You know, the organization racist Margaret Sanger started with the express purpose of reducing the birth rate of black Americans. Last year Planned Parenthood performed 329,445 abortions.  The president’s closing salution was “God Bless You.” Let me paraphrase the president’s… Continue reading

Good Friday

I’ve been invited to be a guest on “American Adversaries” to talk about my novel, “Good Friday.”  I’ll be appearing on Good Friday (this friday, March 29th, for the non-religious) at 5pm on WORL AM 660. If you’re not in the local Orlando reception area and want to listen in,… Continue reading

Transforming America

 From my new friend at FreedomWorks: Subject: TRANSFORMING AMERICA.WHO WINS??? —— Since coming to America way back in 1954,I have seen what WAS,and what IS. We have allowed the PROGRESSIVES to slowly achieve their ultimate goal: to make America become Europe. How insane,that millions fought to come here and so… Continue reading

Shared Sacrifice?

Yesterday the president gave a speech in which he said “we must all share in the sacrifice.”  His reference was to the “rich” paying their “fair share” of the taxes (when in fact, they already pay more than their fair share.)   Well, Dear Leader, I’d like to thank you… Continue reading

E Pluribus Unum

Brumidi, Constantino – Apotheosis of Washington, detail E Pluribus Unum – 1865 (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Saddens me deeply to realize that we now live in a country where half of our neighbors think it’s a perfectly legitimate function of government to make the other half of our neighbors pay for… Continue reading