Fight By Proxy

Just like a schoolyard brawl put up by the top bully,- only with more dire consequences -North Korean has started to kick sand in the face of it’s global neighbors .  And, as fate would have it we friends with those neighbors, which means if necessary we come to their… Continue reading

Memorial Day

– William Henry Clay Dodson – Hither we come to scatter flowers This thirtieth day of May, Upon our fallen heroes’ graves On this Memorial Day; We cherish now no bitter thoughts In this fair land of ours, But on all fallen heroes’ graves We come to scatter flowers. The… Continue reading

Green Hell

“It’s not easy being green.”  So went the lament of that great American actor Kermit the Frog.  He may have been right.  Just ask the Chinese workers who make those little squiggly, weird-looking fluorescent light bulbs that are the favorites of the Save the Planet crowd. In case you didn’t… Continue reading

CIFTA – abrogation of our Second Amendment

Not an administration to let any crisis go unexploited “Dear Reader” and rabid antigun militants in his “thugocracy” are now using the cover of a Swine Flu, border wars, and drug trafficking to  urging the passing of the CIFTA treaty –  Inter-American Convention Against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking… Continue reading