You keep hearing from the autocrats in DC that the
Republicans are the party of “No” and that conservatives have no plan
to stimulate the economy. Well,
either they’re not paying attention or they’re lying. Guess which one I’m betting on.
Here’s are five good ideas from the party of NO:
Congressman Jordan (R-OH) and Congressman Jason Chaffetz
(R-UT) have introduced H.R. 5029, the Economic Freedom Act, a plan to unleash
the power of America’s private sector economy.
The Economic Freedom Act would terminate the TARP and repeal
the remaining stimulus, replacing them with a real stimulus plan to create jobs
Reducing The Payroll Tax by Half for 2010
Providing immediate stimulus by increasing workers’
paychecks and improving the bottom line for employers.
Eliminating The Capital Gains Tax
Encouraging the
risk-taking and investment that is at the heart of the entrepreneurial spirit.
Reducing the Corporate Tax Rate to 12.5%
Improving America’s
competitiveness in the global market and providing incentives for expansion and
job creation.
Permanently Eliminating the Death Tax
Ensuring that small
businesses and family farms, the engine of our economy, will continue creating
jobs for future generations.
Providing Immediate Business Expensing
Encouraging long-term
reinvestment in business, increasing competitiveness and creating jobs.
I could add a few myself:
Get rid of the Departments of Education and Energy
Both are utter
Get rid of all the Czars and their staffs
Let freedom ring.
Sell all non-essential federal lands
No foreign ownership allowed.
Put a freeze on all non-essential government hiring and on federal wages
Privatize the US Postal Service
UPS and FedEx do a
much better job and cheaper.
Eliminate foreign aid
It’s time for some personal
Eliminate earmarks
Reduce American Armed Forces presence throughout the
We have a heck of a
navy and air force, we don’t need that many boots on the ground.
Balance the budget
We can’t spend more
than we take in.
No new entitlement programs, no expansion of existing ones
Eliminate duplication of programs
End the Federal Reserve
Drill Here, Drill Now
Repeal the 16th Amendment, close down the IRS and
institute the Fair Tax.
No more punishment
for hard work.
Any law that’s written must pass the constitutional
smell test
Each bill must have
the applicable section of the US Constitution that supports its validity.
Gee, you mean we could actually follow the law?
Now that doesn’t sound like there are NO ideas to me.