The Real Racists

Not long ago, GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain stirred up a hornet’s nest when he observed that the reason many black Americans voted Democratic is because they have been brainwashed. Of course, the hyenas lined up to do what liberals do best: call people they disagree with names instead of… Continue reading

Mo’ Money!

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had more to do with the collapse of the economy in 2007-2008 than anyone else.  It was their granting of mortgages to those people who could not possibly pay back the loans and then securitizing those mortgages on the global financial markets that created this… Continue reading

Pelosi; ‘Occupy Wall St’ Crowd Represents 99% Of America as my friend Linda is writing, it appears that the #OWS #occupywallstreet cabal and willing conspirators in the mainstream media ( and Congress) have several things on their agenda. One of which is elevating themselves to parity with the ‘Tea Party Movement!’ Contary to Madame Pelosi’s claim that #ows… Continue reading