Suicide of the West
D.T. Devareaux cartoons Continue reading
D.T. Devareaux cartoons Continue reading
A report from the Pentagon has just come down today and sent to Secretary of Defense Gates. In this blue ribbon paper, it recommends that the US military ban smoking by military personnel. Now, let me just say that I hate cigarette smoke. I smoked for a half-dozen years and… Continue reading
Is the obsession with Sarah Palin by her detractors ever going to be over? Even after she resigned as governor of Alaska, David Lettermen couldn’t let go. One unfunny Sarah Palin joke after another has turned a once-funny comedian into just another hate-filled Keith Olbermann clone. Reporters at her press… Continue reading
Like those incapable of scholarship in Clown College, the leftists in these great United States wish to tread down a path of economic redistribution – well hewed and broad. Regrettably, the “tall grass” of collectivism, socialism and communism has long since been ‘pushed down’ and abandoned by most – long… Continue reading
“THE AMERICANS WHO RISKED EVERYTHING” From Rush H. Limbaugh, Jr. (Father of notable EIB radio host, Rush.) “…our lives, our fortunes, our sacred honor…” It was a glorious morning. The sun was shining and the wind was from the southeast. Up especially early, a tall, bony, redheaded young Virginian found… Continue reading
As we approach another 4th of July, I can’t think of a more appropriate endeavor than for each of us to read our Declaration of Independence. It, along with our Constitution, the Magna Carta and the Bible, is one of the most important documents ever written. If you take yourself… Continue reading